<P><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3> </P>
<P > Brief case history
5-month old boy, diagnosed as PA/VSD ASD LSVC and big MAPCAs through catheterization. Chest X-ray shows pulmonary blood flow is inadequate in the lung fields, the heart size is large.
The main problem is, the CATH result indicates the pulmonary arteries are hypoplastic, and most part of lung field can not be perfused by blood flow. Therefore surgical treatment seems impossible to perform, and even it is did routinely, there might be high risk during the operation and postoperation period.
At the same time, CT shows there is mild hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), which is also a high risk factor for surgical treatment.</FONT></P>
<FONT face=黑体 color=#dd9222 size=3>陆医生好心人呀,要是天下医生都这样就好了呀!<FONT color=#f73809>致敬!!</FONT></FONT> <P> 为了孩子的生命,希望所有的医生尽职尽责,作为父母我们会感谢你们的!</P> <P>多谢陆医生:</P><P> 祝愿你找到一位好姑娘,生一个好宝宝。并有一个完满的人生。</P><P>这样才印证好人有好报。</P> 多好的医生,医生要都象您这样说好了! <P>多好的医生,医生要都象您这样就好了!</P> 向你致敬! <TABLE fixed; WORD-BREAK: break-all" width="90%" border=0><TR><TD 12pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 16pt" width="100%"><img src="http://bbs.babyheart.com.cn/Skins/Default/topicface/face1.gif"> <B></B>
向你致敬! </TD></TR></TABLE> 谢谢陆医生,真是好医生